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Saturn was dropped from the script entirely, though Douglas Trumbull later used the expertise he had acquired to film the ringed planet Tiffany Money Clips Fashionown production, Silent Running. No one could have imagined, back Tiffany Cuff Links outletin the mid-sixties, that the exploration of the moons of Jupiter lay, not in the next century, but only fifteen years ahead.
Nor Tiffany Bracelets Designerahead. Nor had anyone dreamed of the wonders that would be found there - Tiffany Watches reviewfound there - although we can be quite certain that the discoveries of the twin Voyagers will one day Tiffany Rings saleeven more unexpected finds. When 2001 was written, Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto were mere pinpoints of light in even the most powerful telescope; Tiffany Pendants High qualitythe most powerful telescope; now they are worlds, each unique, and one of Silver Jewelry Fast shippingeach unique, and one of them - Io - is the most volcanically active body in the Solar System.
Yet, all things considered, both movie and book stand up quite well in the light of these discoveries, and it is fascinating to compare the Jupiter sequences in the film with the actual movies from the Voyager cameras. But clearly, anything written today has to incorporate the results of the 1979 explorations: the moons of Jupiter are no longer uncharted territory. And there is another, more subtle, psychological factor to be taken into consideration.

