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The novel 2001: A Space Odyssey was written during the years 1964-8 and was published in July 1968, shortly afterI have described in The Lost Worlds of 2001, both projects proceeded simultaneously, with feedback in each direction. Thus I often had the Tiffany Money Clips offerstrange experience of revising the manuscript after viewing rushes based upon Tiffany Accessories wholesalestimulating, but rather expensive, way of writing a novel.
As a result, there is a much closer parallel between book and Tiffany Necklaces Fast shippingbut there are also major differences. In the novel, the destination of the Tiffany Key Rings saleDiscovery was Iapetus (or Japetus), most enigmatic of Saturn's many moons. The Saturnian system was reached via Jupiter: Discovery made a close approach to the Tiffany Sets cheapthe giant planet, using its enormous gravitational field to produce a 'slingshot' effect and to accelerate Tiffany Rings Low priceit along the second lap of its journey.
Exactly the same manoeuvre was used by the Voyager space probes in 1979, when they made the first detailed reconnaissance of the outer giants. In the movie, however, Stanley Kubrick wisely avoided confusion by setting the third confrontation between Man and Monolith among the moons of Jupiter.

